What's Your Personal Vision?

Your personal vision affects how you show up in your homeschool.

Grab your journal and answer, "What is your personal vision"?

  • Have you developed vision words for your relationship with yourself?
  • Have you developed vision words for your relationships with your partner?
  • Have you developed vision words for your relationships with your significant friends/connections?
  • Have you developed vision words for your relationship with your Creator?

Write your vision words in your journal each morning.

Complete these sentences in your journal too:

  • My personal vision for myself is...
  • This is how I want to invest my life...
  • In ten years, I want to see myself...

Assess each morning, Is your daily activity aligning with your values and your vision?

What are your personal goals in these areas...

  • for your health & physical development
  • for your mental stimulation/development
  • for your emotional life/healing
  • for your spiritual life
  • for your relationships
  • for your parenting role
  • for your social life
  • for your financial life
  • for your (future or present) career
  • for your quality of life
  • for your life vision

Write your thoughts in your journal or consider sharing them below.

You can go a whole lot deeper if you dig deep and determine how you are intentionally doing things you want to do for your life.

Consider the following questions:

About your past year:

  • How have I spent my time?
  • What are the results of the actions I have taken?
  • What events, realizations, and understanding have come into being?
  • What has inspired me?
  • What makes me grateful?
  • What were my sorrows and disappointments, and how have they changed me?
  • What books have I read this year, and what impact have they had?
  • What movies and other entertainments have moved me, and in what ways?
  • What journeys have I taken?
  • What conditioned patterns have I recognized, and what experiences have allowed me to see them more clearly?

Then engage questions about your present:

  • How am I different now from the way I was last year at this time?
  • How can I integrate the key lessons of the past year into my life?
  • Are there any strategies, phrases, questions, or flags that have particular significance for me right now?
  • Are there any things I’m trying to force into existence right now? If so, what would happen if I stopped trying to make them happen?
  • To what part of myself am I giving birth?
  • What am I becoming?
  • Has my experience of time changed at all since last year?

Then engage questions about your future:

  • Specifically, what is it that I wish to focus on in the coming year?
  • If I could sum up all my desires and longings in a straightforward statement spoken from the highest aspect of myself, what would it be?

Then I choose three words to focus my days (thanks Brendon Burchard) for each day of the year. I write these intention words on each daily journal entry and slip them into my device as a daily reminder too.

Consider the past, plan for the future, and be present in the present.

These questions help us to take stock of where we’ve been and help us plan where we’re going. When we’ve done this, we need to remember that living happens in the present.

So we need to practice being present.

“Above all, we cannot afford not to live in the present. He is blessed over all mortals who loses no moment of the passing life in remembering the past.”

And if you want to take your personal vision to a whole NEXT LEVEL, consider the questions that @HolisticPsychologist offers.

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