My story of reimagining my homeschool life...

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Let me introduce myself.

I’m Teresa, I've been a homeschool mom of four kids for nearly two decades.

Oh, where has the time gone?

I've spent years learning how to create a personalized education for each of my kids, learning how to include me in my homeschool life, and learning how to address the challenges that homeschooling naturally brings.

But why would homeschool moms want to reimagine their homeschool lives?

I don’t know about you, but I’ve loved my homeschool life. (Most days).

It’s been a remarkable opportunity for my family (& me) to live toward a clearer vision, and more individualized education, and enable each of my kids toward a stronger sense of themselves.

But our homeschool story wasn’t a straight arrow to all that.

For plenty of homeschool years, I tried to make a private school at home (exhausting!)

  • I didn’t always know how to address my big emotions, like frustration, overwhelm, stress, and doubt.
  • I didn’t really know how what we were doing was specifically raising up the unique kids in our home. And it should be done uniquely!
  • Also, I fumbled through far too much curriculum, planners, routines, and other people’s homeschool methods.
  • And I didn’t know how to deal with the busy toddler, the cute, but active preschooler, or definitely didn't know what to do with so much kid conflict or boredom either!

Though I really wanted the whole thing to be charmed (ya know my website is capturing the charmed, I was looking for perfection, and I could never grasp it.

I’ve learned a whole lotta things.

  • You can create a plan to address your big emotions (which helps you address and engage your kid's big emotions too).
  • You don’t have to homeschool in uncertainty and doubt; you can choose a path and stick to it, because it works for you and your kids, or you could shift gears if that works too.
  • You can create a meaningful, individualized education for your homeschool kids that doesn’t exhaust you.
  • You can develop a vision for your homeschool family, not just write it on a piece of paper, but actually practice it day by day.

Of course, the more time you practice, the more you’ll see what I’ve seen.

This homeschool thing really does work! And if you WANT to do it, you CAN do it.

It took me years to be confident and clear that what I was doing was the right thing for my family and that I was doing it good enough!

Now I am here to help you build your confidence, clarify your homeschool intention & vision, and plan for your real challenges in your real homeschool, so you can be certain that what you're doing is the right thing for your family and what you're doing is good enough too!

But first, would you first tell me about you and your kids...

  • How did you discover homeschooling?
  • What's your goal in homeschooling?
  • What is an ideal homeschool day?
  • What does a typical homeschool day look like for you? (And how does it feel?)
  • What is your motivating vision for your homeschool?
  • What do you believe is an education anyway?
  • How do you want to show up in your homeschool?
  • What is your plan for yourself?
  • How are you presently addressing your family challenges or difficult dynamics?
  • Do you get enough quiet away from your family?
  • Are you doing meaningful, creative things that fuel you too?
  • What are the challenges in your homeschool routine?
  • Or what challenges do you anticipate in your homeschool life this year?
  • Why do you want to reimagine your homeschool life?

Share your thoughts in the section below.

ps You can throw a picture of you and your kids in there too.

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