When we meet in coaching...

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A note to you, homeschool mama,

I am honoured that you share your most important parts, your hard stories, your heart treasures, and the most bittersweet moments of your life.

I am honoured to hear them, to be a part of them, and to allow my hard stories, my treasures, and my bittersweet moments to impact yours.

You are special to me.

When in coaching sessions, I invite you to share the most important thoughts and experiences.

But share only comfortable things. (& Let me know later if you’re not comfortable: I won’t be dragging you onto the hot seat.)

The more authentic we can be, the more we’ll gain from the process.

So before we connect in session, what were your thoughts on our discussion in the intensive, and what further thoughts have you had on the scenario that you shared? 

Our goal for the remaining session is to choose one boundary-breaking scenario that most represent your boundary-breaking experiences.

The more vulnerable you are the more you benefit.

If you don't feel safe and comfortable, I'm not here to make you feel unsafe.

The biggest boundary-breaking scenario we can discuss carries the root of all our boundary challenges. (And when we tackle the biggest scenario, we can tackle all the boundary-breaking challenges).

Share below what you'd most like to get out of our coaching sessions.

Also, answer in your journal:

  • What will your life look like in 6 months with built-in boundaries?
  • What might be possible if you had boundaries in your life?
  • What are you teaching your kids when you build boundaries?

We will build boundaries so we can build authenticity, freedom & purpose in our homeschools & our lives.

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