Let's do a boundary assessment.

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What are your boundary issues?

What was the reason you signed up for this course?

Write your first thoughts in your journal.

How do you feel about your boundaries & where you'd like to improve them?

(If we don’t do this assessment step, we won’t truly understand what are the boundary issues, and therefore, not address them.)

This is your single most important step to building boundaries.

But how do we recognize what boundaries we don't have?

We write down every time we wonder if we're dealing with a boundary issue.

Which assumes that we listen to our feelings.

And if we’re not accustomed to doing this, we can schedule a time on our devices (an alarm) to check in with ourselves.

When the alarm rings, we take a deep breath, or three, then ask ourselves what's been going on today?

You can only address your challenges if you know what they are.

Grab your journal and answer the following questions:

  1. Where do you think you need to establish boundaries?
  2. Who do you have a boundary challenge with?
  3. Do you hate letting people down?
  4. Do you routinely "keep the peace"?
  5. Do you feel burned out?
  6. Do you say "yes" when you don't want to?
  7. Do you avoid speaking up?
  8. Do you feel guilt when caring for yourself?
  9. Do you struggle to make decisions?
  10. Do you give away too much of your time?
  11. Do you feel responsible for others' happiness?
  12. Do you have time for yourself during the week?
  13. Do you build time during your day for quiet and separate times?
  14. Do you have a plan for responding to random strangers’ questions about homeschooling?
  15. Do you have a plan for how to address homeschool questions from family or friends?
  16. Do you unplug your landline during the day? Or do you turn off notifications on your devices?
  17. Write how you want to be spoken to and in what tone.
  18. When you have conflict, how do you want to be spoken to during conflict?
  19. And do you speak to others in that way too?
  20. How do you unkindly speak to yourself? (In the confines of your own mind.)
  21. Are there mistruths you repeatedly tell yourself?

Do you address your needs?

By acknowledging these challenges and prioritizing their own needs, individuals can work towards healthier boundaries and improved well-being.

Download the Build your Boundaries Journaling Workbook.

Read pages 1-12 and use the One Week to Clarity Assessment to determine your greatest boundary challenges.

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