Stop pushing through and instead meet your needs, build confidence, manage stress, set realistic expectations, and seek support.

When you do you’ll become a more confident, competent, and happier homeschool mom.

Hi, I’m Teresa.

With two years research, fifteen years homeschool practice (twenty one years parenting), and four kids later, I've learned a thing or two about living this homeschool mama life.

Somewhere in my third year homeschooling, I was done.

In my heart, I was mouthing the words "help me" as the school bus drove by. I found myself reacting to kids' squabbles or perpetually irritated that a child wouldn't show interest in his studies, by saying, "If you don't...then you're getting on that bus Monday morning."

I knew I didn't actually want to research the local school's telephone number, but I definitely didn't know what else to do.

I was done.

I didn't have time for me.

I didn't feel good in my body.

I felt overwhelmed.

I was bored by yet another repeat of the same curriculum.

I did everything as perfectly as I could, but had this feeling it wasn't good enough.

I wondered if I was doing right by my kids' education.

Until I watched a Brene Brown TedX Talk and realized I didn't even factor ME into my life. What did I need?

I learned I had to take care of ME to take care of my kids.

Alongside planning for your homeschool, you need to choose YOU too.

Whether you've been homeschooling for one month or twenty five years, you need to routinely practice taking care of you.

Together we'll dig deep to determine what you need and uncover practical tools to take care of you. So, you can nurture you while you nurture your homeschooled kids too.

Kind Words

“Teresa is the real deal! An experienced homeschool Mom who’s been there and can help others get out of overwhelm. Her ability to hold space for silence and difficult feelings makes her “no small talk” approach so effective. I trust her. Her retreat, resources and ask me anything meetings have served me tremendously. I’m so glad she’s in my corner!”

–from a third-year homeschooling mom of an almost 7-year-old who has had to scramble to find “indoor shoes” and currently has over 50 library item out – but who has not yet raised butterflies and never wears yoga pants in public.

Read the Book!

"Clearly, Teresa writes from years of valuable experience, and so generously shares them with new homeschool momma for their benefit. If you're trying to figure out how to get started taking the stress out of your homeschool day, the section where she shares her own story of overwhelm is pure gold! You'll find solid, experience-tested examples from her own life on creating an environment that is conducive to real education. Also, take note of the authors she recommends as her influencers. If you have to pick a section to start somewhere, there it is!"

~ Pat Fenner,

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