Welcome Homeschool Mama!
Hi, I'm Teresa.
I’ve been a homeschool mama of four now aged 14-22 and I've loved the learning (theirs and mine, the memories, and the readalouds).
But somewhere in my third year of homeschooling, I was done.
In my heart, I was mouthing the words "help me" as the school bus drove by. I found myself reacting to kids' squabbles or perpetually irritated that a child wouldn't show interest in his studies, by saying, "If you don't...then you're getting on that bus Monday morning."
I knew I didn't actually want to research the local school's telephone number, but I definitely didn't know what else to do.
I was done.
I didn't have time for myself.
I didn't feel good in my body.
I felt overwhelmed.
I was bored by yet another repeat of the same curriculum.
I did everything as perfectly as I could but had this feeling it wasn't good enough.
I wondered if I was doing right by my kids' education.
Until I watched a Brene Brown TedX Talk and realized I didn't even factor ME into my life. What did I need?
I learned I had to take care of ME to take care of my kids.