These journal questions can aid in your self-exploration, so get curious about what you’re feeling, how you’re addressing your needs, how you understand your homeschool responsibilities, and how you engage in relationships.

You can dig deep and build the homeschool that you really want in your home!

Get out your pen and dig deep into the following questions to assess how you’ve been experiencing your homeschool.

Our homeschool goal?

Not to find a comfy box, but rather, to create an education and an atmosphere conducive toward growth and expansion for our specific children.

How to do that?

There is no easy formula. There is no one-size-fits-all.

Which makes this whole homeschool thing highly individualized.

What gets in our way?

  • Often our pre-conceived notions about what we think we need in order to create that home education.
  • Often our pre-conceived notions about what an education is anyway.
  • And also, others’ preconceived notions about education too.

So, let’s unpack that all, get clear on what we really think, and determine how we want our homeschools to reflect our real homeschool kids.

Let’s deschool our homeschools.

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